Blood clot in my brain almost ended my life.

In this issue I want to cover a very serious topic I’ve covered before. The risk of sudden vascular accidents.  I know this isn’t typically a chiropractic topic, but since I was diagnosed with a blood clot in my brain 5 years ago…I have been passionate about sharing...

My Ankle Hurts…And I Don’t Know Why?

I guess I could call this “Volume 2: Dr. Booker Is Getting Old Like the Rest Of Us”, because several weeks back my ankle began hurting for absolutely no reason at all.  I wish I had a great story to tell! I wish I could tell you it happened running through the woods...

Farewell, Patricia Ekiring

It has been a big month of change here at Capitol Rehab, none bigger than the departure of Patricia Ekiring.

Farewell, Miri Choe

A Farewell to Physical Therapist, Dr. Miri ChoeI can’t believe it has already been 4 years, but after 4 (very quick) years, our Physical Therapist Extraordinaire, Miri Choe is leaving us! As much as all of us are sad (none more than me), we are also excited for her...

How To Improve My Health and Wellness – Part 1

Understanding the Basics This is my first, in what will be several messages to address The Capitol Rehab “How To” Checklist to improve health and wellness. As we age (and we are all doing that) it will inevitably take MORE WORK, just to maintain the current status of...

Violent Attack Leaves Athlete and Friend of Capitol Rehab Hospitalized

UPDATE Dec. 14, 2021: Last week we shared with you the tragic news of Friend of Capitol Rehab and former Paul VI High School basketball star 23-year-old Corey Manigault, who was brutally attacked in Cyprus while out celebrating with his European League teammates after...

What I Have Learned From My Discussions With Death

This was very difficult to write but I feel like everyone needs to hear this. As you may remember in last month's newsletter I spoke about the sudden physical and mental demise of my father. For little over five months, my father has been battling major health...

Breast Cancer and Chiropractic Treatment

We couldn't let Breast Cancer Awareness Month go by without talking about the benefits of chiropractic treatment for women with breast cancer. Don't get us wrong, chiropractic cannot cure breast cancer. We wish it could. However, studies show that chiropractic therapy...

The editors

Where we blog about wellness, fitness & more

Farewell, Miri Choe

Farewell, Miri Choe

A Farewell to Physical Therapist, Dr. Miri ChoeI can’t believe it has already been 4 years, but after 4 (very quick) years, our Physical Therapist Extraordinaire, Miri Choe is leaving us! As much as all of us are sad (none more than me), we are also excited for her...

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