NCAA Gives Student Athletes the Support They Deserve, Sort Of

It's no secret how much I enjoy working with youth athletes. Having the chance to play a small part in their lives as they navigate through their middle school and high school paths on their way to realizing their dreams of playing in college is truly rewarding. I...

Can You Feel the IMPACKD? We Are Certain Your Student Athletes Will

Well, we’ve finally done it!  In the last weekend of April, we launched our IMPACKD program for young athletes, introducing our 52-week injury prevention and family planning guide during the 125th Penn Relays in Philadelphia. IMPACKD is a unique online program for...

Dr. Booker on the College Athletic Scholarship Scandal

It's counter-intuitive, but the college athletic scholarship scandal could lift the reputation of universities like Wake Forest. "If the involved parents in the scandal deemed the universities desirous enough to get that desperate to get their child to be admitted, it...

The Capitol Rehab Sequence Youth Injuries Edition

And just like that, it's 2019! This will be a very big year for all of our Friends of Capitol Rehab.  In 1964, when then-Cassius Clay defeated Sonny Liston, Clay famously exclaimed, "I Shook Up The World!" We at Capitol Rehab have plans to shake up the world! But...

Prevent ACL or Hamstring Injuries, Share a Holiday Recipe

December already? Where did the year go? It has been quite a busy one, and everyone at the office is grateful for all of our clients, but I'm going to go a little off script here in terms of counting our blessings so that I can mention something not very "holidayish."...

Good Samaritans: Stepping Up Is Easy When You’re the Only One There

Being a Good Samaritan often happens as a result of being in the right place at the right time, not necessarily looking to step up and doing something to help out someone else. But the moment when you actually can be of service to someone in need is a great...

youth athletes

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