Functional Medicine Readiness Questionnaire

Functional medicine is the intersection of naturopathy and Western medicine. It does not swear off the use of prescription drugs, but it also does not treat symptoms. In functional medicine, doctors identifies the genetic, environmental, and biochemical causes of...

May Is Upon Us: Make Sure You’re Prepared for the Unknown

Well, April certainly was an eventful month.  As soon as some questions about the coronavirus were answered, more were presented. As  we roll into May, we know that we're not out of the woods yet and we expect to have some trying times ahead. Especially with the...

Hydration, Green Tea, and Your Immune Response

By Dr. Bill Booker, DC and Dr. Denia Tapscott, MD Before we get to the larger discussion of hydration and its effect on your immune system, we want to make this Public Service Announcement: DRINK YOUR WATER! It seems so simple, but yet so few of us do it. When we say,...

Chiropractic and Immunity: The Hidden Connection

Dr. Bill Booker, DC, and Dr. Denia Tapscott, MD Ask any epidemiologist about viruses and they will tell you: You can’t avoid them.  Viruses and bacteria are all around us all the time.  The key to managing the barrage is by preparing your body to react well when it...

The Impact of Sleep and Stress Reduction On Your Immune System: How T-Cells Stick It to The Enemy

By Dr. Bill Booker, DC, and Dr. Denia Tapscott, MD When we get ample and quality sleep, we feel better, which allows us to reduce or manage stress better. No surprise! But are you aware how profoundly powerful and important sleep and stress reduction are for boosting...

Immunity Minute: Pho Soup is the Chicken Noodle of the East

By Drs. Bill Booker, DC, and Denia Tapscott, MD Have you ever asked your doctor if he or she had any suggestions for fighting the common cold? Did your doctor answer, a big bowl of Vietnamese Pho soup? No? Boy, did you miss out. Even if the doctor responded, "I don’t...

Grandma Knows Best: Garlic and Ginger to Boost Immunity

By Drs. Bill Booker, DC, and Denia Tapscott, MD For centuries, food has been used as medicine. Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, once wrote, "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." In more recent times, it turns out grandma knows best! With or...

Build Your Immunity! Try Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Zinc

By Drs. Bill Booker, DC, and Denia Tapscott, MD While we're out of the office this week, we will be sending you the "Immunity Minute" — one IMMUNITY BOOSTING topic a day. Some of you may be familiar with these topics, some of you may find them novel. We hope that you...

immune system

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