Functional Medicine Readiness Questionnaire

Functional medicine is the intersection of naturopathy and Western medicine. It does not swear off the use of prescription drugs, but it also does not treat symptoms. In functional medicine, doctors identifies the genetic, environmental, and biochemical causes of...

Gift Yourself a Healthy Lifestyle This Holiday Season

With a shortened holiday season and too much stress associated with it, instead of writing out a Christmas or Hanukkah gift list this year, I'd like to suggest you create a "healthy lifestyle checklist." Sure, you're probably going to have to buy a few gifts for...

Spring Detox: ‘Interior Cleaning’ is a Challenge and a Necessity

It feels like spring has finally arrived. With the calendar at May 1, the weather is temperamental.  Over the weekend, I was in Richmond, where it was 89 degrees. I drove two hours back to DC. It was a balmy 45. The fluctuations are a sure sign that it's time for a...


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