What Does Capitol Rehab Do? How Our Rehab Sequence Works

I was recently asked "Who is Capitol Rehab's competition?" The question caught me off guard because I guess I never think of health care as a "competition sport."  The question made me think about "what does Capitol Rehab do" to improve our clients' overall wellness....

Six-Week Series: Functional Training Classes at Capitol Rehab of Arlington

Editor's Note: Physical therapist Gina Hahn is offering a series of six one-hour classes to get rehab patients from feeling better to sustained physical activity. The program introduces patients to the six functional movement patterns — squat, lunge, hinge, push,...

Back to School: Get Into the School-Year Routines

Wow, does it feel like the summer just flew by? Although I can't believe it's already the start of the school year, I am eager for the fall to arrive, when the kids return to their school-year routines, and the rest of us are able to resume a little more normalcy. The...

functional movement screen

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