Functional Medicine Readiness Questionnaire

Functional medicine is the intersection of naturopathy and Western medicine. It does not swear off the use of prescription drugs, but it also does not treat symptoms. In functional medicine, doctors identifies the genetic, environmental, and biochemical causes of...

Chiropractic and Immunity: The Hidden Connection

Dr. Bill Booker, DC, and Dr. Denia Tapscott, MD Ask any epidemiologist about viruses and they will tell you: You can’t avoid them.  Viruses and bacteria are all around us all the time.  The key to managing the barrage is by preparing your body to react well when it...

Coronavirus by the Numbers: 99.7 Percent of New Cases Are Classified as ‘Mild’

Our goal is to provide information on Coronavirus by the numbers in order to help our community stay informed. The most common misconception regarding the data is conflating the rate of contracting the virus with the rate of getting seriously ill from the virus. As of...

24 Years and Counting. March is Capitol Rehab’s Anniversary

March 8 is the official date of Capitol Rehab's anniversary, and we are grateful to still be serving the Greater Arlington community, especially through so many trials and tribulations. In fact, what better time than now to recount all that we have endured through and...

Support Your Immune System During Virus Season and All Year Long

With coronavirus occupying headlines these days, a lot of attention is focused on ways to prevent spreading the virus. The Centers for Disease Control and Protection (CDC) has issued recommmendations for reducing the spread of disease. They include washing hands,...

February is Functional Medicine Month!

Many of you have no idea what functional medicine is. You are EXACTLY who needs to read this article! First, allow me to ask you a few questions: Have you started to notice that despite your best efforts to do the right things, eat right, exercise more, etc., you...

The Difference Between Functional Medicine and ‘Regular’ Medical Care

Have you had problems focusing or have more brain fog? Go to Our Functional Medicine Services Have you been feeling more tired and fatigued lately? Has your energy declined and you’re feeling more stressed out? Has your weight been slowly increasing despite no real...

Gift Yourself a Healthy Lifestyle This Holiday Season

With a shortened holiday season and too much stress associated with it, instead of writing out a Christmas or Hanukkah gift list this year, I'd like to suggest you create a "healthy lifestyle checklist." Sure, you're probably going to have to buy a few gifts for...

functional medicine

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