Your Providers Are Vaccinated For COVID-19

I just got my Covid-19 Vaccination!


Before we begin, Let’s back up for a moment and figure out just how I got here… 

On December 11, 2020 after months of testing, Pfizer’s vaccine for Covid-19 was finally authorized, followed by the Moderna’s approval, a week later. COVID-19 vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna — the only two currently authorized for emergency use in the US — use synthetic messenger RNA, or mRNA. This molecule contains a bit of the genetic code of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and stimulates the immune system to build up its defenses against the virus without actually being exposed to it. 

Moved to the front of the vaccine line

On January 4th, I registered to get the Moderna vaccination shot. Due to the volume of patients seen at Capitol Rehab on a weekly basis, the odds were pretty high that I would get approved and qualify to get vaccinated.  A few days later, as expected, I received an email correspondence indicating that I had been approved for the Covid-19 vaccine. This is where things got interesting…

Just another stick in the arm?

In the email, I was told to report to a “designated location” (you know, one of those places where you can’t take pictures). Upon arrival, I parked, walked into the building and was directed to a waiting room (this was not your typical Urgent Care for sure!)  The nurse came over, checked me in, verified who I was, and took my temperature. She then proceeded to give me a clipboard and requested that I complete a little paperwork. Anyone there without a sufficient mask (no scarves or bandanas here) was given a fresh mask to put on. After a little more processing and a little more paperwork, I finally got the stick in the arm.

The needle was large but rather painless. The nurse placed a Band-Aid on the injection spot, gave me a sticker,  and informed me to return in a few weeks for a second dose. Once I was done, I was told that I could leave the building, however I would need to wait in my car for 15 minutes before driving off (just in case of a sudden unexpected allergic reaction). Now I am sitting here staring out the window with 8.5 minutes left, before I’m cleared to leave…

The Aftermath: 4 Days Later… 

During the first 24 hours, I felt little to no side effects other than a little soreness around the injection spot.  Over the next 4 days, the remainder of the office staff registered and also received their vaccinations as well.  As of Today, the Capitol Rehab team members have reported back little to no side effects so far. We were also advised to download the CDC app to track and report any side effects (or lack thereof) over the next few days. We are all scheduled to report back for our second shot in early February, and feel that we are now one step closer to a return to normal life.


When can you get the COVID-19 vaccine? 

Let’s face it, the vaccines are here to help protect against serious illness from COVID-19. Due to limited initial supply, health care workers, first responders, and residents and staff of long-term care facilities, at the moment, are first to receive the vaccine. Supplies will continually increase in the weeks and months that follow. Some states allow residents to preregister for the COVID-19 vaccine; others are taking appointments from select populations. We encourage you to see what your state is doing. 

Our Commitment to You

At Capitol Rehab, we take standards for hygiene and cleanliness very seriously and are taking entra steps to ensure the safety of our patients and guests. We have been closely monitoring the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and World Health Organization statements regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19). Our office’s health and safety measures are designed to address a broad spectrum of viruses, including COVID-19, and include everything from handwashing hygiene and cleaning product specifications to guest room and common area cleaning procedures.

We are all in this together. Should you have any questions, or need to schedule an appointment, please contact us. 

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