Staff Spotlight Q&A: Physical Therapist Miri Choe

Editor’s Note: In the interest of introducing our clients to our staff, we run an occasional series that puts our team members in the spotlight. Below is a Staff Spotlight Q&A with new Physical Therapist Miri Choe.

Physical Therapist Miri Choe1. Where were you born? Where did you grow up?

I was born in and grew up in South Korea. I stayed in Seattle, Washington, to take some college courses in 2013 for about nine months, but I moved to the U.S. in September 2014 to start the PT program in California. I wanted to see how I would live in another country and use a different language, and it worked well. So, I’m here now.

2. Did you play sports in high school, and if so, what?

No, I did not. But I always loved PE class.

3. How did you end up going to your college/university/higher education alma mater?

I heard from some of my school’s alumni that physical therapy in the U.S. is interesting and different, with more variable CEUs (continuing education units) than what I was working on in South Korea. I looked up how to prepare to go, and wanted to start new things, so that happened.

4. How did you meet your spouse/partner?

Sorry, I don’t have a story to share yet. But I can tell that I am a happy single!

5. How did you end up in Arlington? What’s your favorite part about living/working in Arlington?

I like the DMV (DC, Maryland, Virginia) area. I wanted to stay around here and tried to find a place around this area where I could work. I love that I ended up working in Arlington because it is a neat city with cute houses and nice coffee shops, not like central Manhattan.

6. What aspect of your job do you find most challenging/rewarding?

The job is always challenging because even with the same diagnosis, approaches for treatment can be different. It depends on the body type/personality/lifestyle of the patients. Some cases can be a bit more challenging right away, like people with a heavier weight, and some cases start with a few different things and build up step-by-step. It definitely is rewarding seeing patients getting better doing more activities with less or no pain.   

7. Which clients do you find most interesting/challenging?

It is really interesting working with athletes. Young athletes respond very quickly. Their potential physical ability is just beyond my expectation!

8. How has working at Capitol Rehab of Arlington made you better at what you do?

My colleagues are amazing and inspiring. I am learning new exercises and different viewpoints about seeing patients. Treatment sessions with patients one-on-one let me do my best quality treatments.

9. If you were in another profession, what would it be?

I would be a photographer/travel guide. I was just intrigued by “capturing the moment” when I was young. One of my favorite photographers is Henri Cartier-Bresson.  I also love to travel. Before I go, I study lots of historical knowledge for sightseeing, almost like a job duty, but it is always helpful information to make travel more enjoyable.

10. What’s your favorite pastime?

I like listening to podcasts or looking up the next movies coming out.

11. Anything you’d like to add about the practice or the services at Capitol Rehab of Arlington?

This is a nice outpatient clinic with good people. I just feel that I am lucky to have started working here!

Read Miri Choe’s bio.

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