Staff Spotlight: Office Manager Beth Mills on the Six-Day Detox

Not sure about whether to try detox? Seems like it’s too long, too hard, too much to ask? Dr. Beck has a short version, a six-day detox that will jump start your metabolism and make you feel great! And the time commitment won’t be too big a hurdle, even if you face challenges along the way. 

Capitol Rehab of Arlington Office Manager Beth Mills recently completed a six-day detox, and here’s what she reports:

“My six-day detox experience was good.Capitol Rehab of Arlington Office Manager Beth Mills

“Day one got pushed back after I read that I had to start taking some supplements two days prior to the detox. But once day one came, it was a breeze. I had already tried to cut out my coffee the week before so it wouldn’t be a shock, and I started eating a bit cleaner.

“Days one and two were very easy. I was feeling better. I felt more energized. The scale was going down. Things were good. Then day three came as well as my nephew’s high school graduation party. Are you freaking kidding me? My sister had this beautiful spread of meats, cheeses, and rolls for sandwiches. But the surprising kicker: I couldn’t eat the fresh pineapple from the fruit tray, or the grapes, because of their high glycemic index. IT’S FRUIT and OFF LIMITS?!!!

“I was going out of my mind and trying to muster every ounce of will power I had. I survived, and we went off to the ceremony. But then we came back afterward to continue celebrating. Chocolate cake with chocolate buttercream icing! My mom was making the loudest “MMMMMM” sounds repeatedly and not on purpose. The cake must have been that good. I was thankful when we left to leave the temptations behind.

“Day four was a welcome, easy day. No temptations. I had my usual Territory meal for lunch and walked a block to Sweet Green for dinner. Days five and six were a little more challenging because I went to stay at my boyfriend’s mother’s home. No, sorry, I can’t eat that delicious breakfast you’re making two days in a row. I’m just going to have my shake. Thankfully, we grilled out for lunch and dinner so most things were “legal” for me to eat. Nighttime was challenging again when people decided to go on a cookie run to the local bakery. I kept reminding myself, “It’s just for six days. Only six days!”

“I survived and I feel good. I have decided to keep the shakes and clean eating going for another five days until my friend’s birthday party. Clothes that hadn’t been fitting, now fit again. I’m a fan of this short and effective cleanse!”

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